Saturday, October 1, 2011

Canberra Civic Existing Bus Services

Public transport in City West consists of taxis and ACTION buses. City West is poorly serviced by public transport in terms of bus routes, stops and timetables. This is partly due to the bus interchange being located in City East and bus routes that better service the higher demands of the eastern part of the City.

ACTION bus routes and stops through City West are show in Figure 6. ACTION bus stops are located at:

◗ Marcus Clarke Street south of Allsop Street.
◗ Marcus Clarke Street adjacent to Childers Street.
◗ Alinga Street between Marcus Clarke Street and Moore Street.
◗ London Circuit south of University Avenue.
◗ London Circuit north of Edinburgh Avenue.
◗ Edinburgh Avenue between Marcus Clarke Street and London Circuit.
Week day


Intertown Public Transport (IPT) routes are reserves on the Territory Plan for public transport corridors. An IPT route runs through and around City West as indicated in the image below.

The route runs through City West from Barry Drive (west) into Marcus Clarke Street and Alinga Street to Northbourne Avenue and the bus interchange in City East. The route runs diagonally through the corner of Marcus Clarke Street and Barry Drive, sterilising this prominent corner location that has potential as a valuable development site.

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