Friday, November 11, 2011

Post Feedback Development: Building Form & Landscape

During the presentation I spoke about how my buidling form was influenced not only by the specific needs of users and the services and infrastructure relating to the transit centre building typology.

A large part for the reasoning of my building came from the natural landscape of canberra, the slow arching hills and subtle slopig curves of the surrounding mountains. This photo taken by David Wo, captures this description beautifully.


Early Concept Sketches below, show this strong relationship with adjacent topography:

The Developed Concept Model Form then developed these ideas of topography within the building form into something sculptural and functional. The imge below shows how the roof edge folds downwards where the bus platform and majoirty of occupants will be situated when waiting for their transport services. The back and front ends of the building is then opened back up to allow maximum sunlight penetration into the subway floor:

The symmetry of the building's form resonates that of Walkter Burleigh Griffin's original plan and uses axis within the building fabric to connect and direct users, views and building spaces.

Whilst in Canberra some time ago, I took the following very low quality photos of the model in the National Museum, which portay this symmetry and show how on the chosen site, a building that lies on this axis must repect this idea of symmetry and respect the natural flow of the town plan.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Utilizing mobile network infrastructure

This diagram will be used in my presentation to help explain the breakown of the Building as a system - to user's individal needs. This means conveying to users not just bus and train times, but directions to platforms, alternate routes and important travel information/updates to their mobile devices.

Elevations & Sections

Site Circulation Diagrams

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

King George Square Bus Station Analysis

While the following photos of the King George Square bus station in Brisbane are very low quality, they show us a high amount of the important elements that should be incorperatd into oplatform design.

Much of what you see in these potos is encapsulated by the need for way-finding, sigage and identifcation of user travelpaths.

the use of clour, surface finsish and lighting will play a key part in the design of each platform design within the transit centre.

NY Highline Connection to be Adapted

A linking connection brisge is required at the southern end of the transit centre to help influence the public to using the available green space of the adjacent hill and landscape.

The NY Highline is a project eastablished in the heart of NY city, whilst the premise behind this project is vastly different, it is this type of constructed public space that i would like to incorperate wihtin my design.

The successfullness of such an element relies on the landscape arhcitecture, materiality and natural and visual environment to enrich the public space. The images and vido below describe this.

Initial Renders - Preliminary Materials and lighting