Monday, September 19, 2011

Education and Office Nodes

Education Nodes

Office Nodes

COMMUNITAS, 1947 - city organization



“Communitas is explicitly organized as a tree: it is divided into four concentric major zones, the innermost being a commercial center, the next a university, the third residential and medical, and fourth open country. Each of these is further subdivided: the commercial center is consisting of individual houses, but of apartment blocks, each of these containing further individual dwelling units. Finally, the open country is divided into three segments: forest preserves, agriculture, and vacation-lands. The overall organization is a tree.”

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Google Site Images

Aerial View of Site

Aerial View of Site

Site view from Parliament House

Site towards Parliament House

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cloud 9, Barcelona

Cloud 9 create a mixed media building in the digital area of Barcelona

Image © Luis Ros

The Media-ICT building was commissioned by The Consortium of the Zona Franca CZFBand 22 @ of Barcelona. 22@ is an experimental district with a powerful, distributed and accessible, energy load. Part of the Districlima network, where new business values are intangible.

Enric Ruiz-Geli, the director of Cloud 9, was extremely interested in this digital city model based on ICT (information and communication technology), with the idea of a city where what matters is knowledge, added value and patents. In short, the objective is for your architecture to be in sync with your own values.

The building volume forms a cube of 44m x 44m x 37.82m high; the site is 3,572.45 m2 in which the basement occupies the entire area, while above ground the occupation is 54.20%. In total, the Media-ICT has 16,000 m2 above ground and two floors below ground (7100 m2) with capacity for 200 parking spaces.

The building is divided so that the upper floors (from eighth to fourth) are rented for big companies, the second and third floor have small spaces for emergent companies and the first floor,a civic area, with the cibernariun and an auditorium. A space that offers a course programs open to all the city residents.

The ground floor does not have pillars; the public space takes up the building with 36m x 40m of free space. The lobby area is also open to the public which hosts exhibitions, workshops and events.

The construction is built from the top and moves downwards, becoming transparent, anti-gravitational, and almost liquid at the bottom. Thus, its impact on the street is minimal, about 8% mass with respect to the 1500 m2 floor surface area.

Unlike most of the buildings, which consume huge amounts of energy, the Media-ICT is designed to be a great generator and optimizes energy use. Thanks to the energy simulation of the building the demands of heat and cold are adjusted accordingly minimizing the dimensioning of installations. Whilst the façade, made of inflatable ETFE cushions oriented south, act as a variable sunscreen, opening in winter to gain solar energy, and closing in summer to protect and shade. In the south west façade, Nitrogen based fog is introduced in the cushions, that by increasing its particles greater opacity is produced, thereby protecting users. The building is equipped with multiple temperature sensors that collect exterior information to adjust the interior conditions.

Media-ICT targets and achieves:

1-20% CO2 reduction due to the use of District Cooling, clean energy.

2-10% CO2 reduction due to the photovoltaic roof.

3-55% CO2 reduction due to the dynamic ETFE sun filters.

4-10% CO2 reduction due to energy efficiency related to smart sensors.

Total 95% CO2 reduction, the Media-ICT is a NET building almost a net zero building.

QuaDror adaptable flexibility

QuaDror from Dror on Vimeo.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Transport and Access


Existing east-west major streets in and around City West include:
◗ Barry Drive that connects the City to Belconnen and beyond.
◗ Parkes Way that connects William Hovell Drive and Tuggeranong Parkway in the west to Morshead Drive in the east.
◗ Edinburgh Avenue that connects Parkes Way and Acton Peninsula to Marcus Clarke Street and London Circuit.
Existing north-south major streets in and around City West include:
◗ Marcus Clarke Street that distributes traffic within City West.
◗ Northbourne Avenue that connects the City to the north.
London Circuit provides a circular connection to all of the inner areas of the City. It is the central address and arrival terminus to the City via the radial avenues.

Traffic volumes (weekly average vehicles per day) on the major streets in and around City West are indicated below.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


These issues informed the goals and objectives, principles and implementation components of the Master Plan.

The key issues are summarised as:
◗ Griffin’s plan
◗ Open space network
◗ Landscape character
◗ Distinct precincts
◗ Social and community aspirations
◗ Economic prosperity
◗ Street, block and section structure
◗ Transport and access
◗ Built form

Brief Development

Located on axis of Parti Diagram on walter burliegh griffin axis - currently has no identity or presence
  • Designed to relate to of town centre - CBD
  • Surrounding infrastructure of carpark to be reviatlized

Connection to KIT of Parts from previous Assignment.

  • Transit Centre (Bus, Light Rail and Cycle Centre)
    Flexible in size? - expand and retract depending on peak times?
    Integrated with existing infrastructure
    Cycle Centre
    Storage for bikes
    Change rooms
  • Requirements
    Drop off/ Pick up zones
  • Multiple platforms
    Short term carparks
    Loading bays
    Staff amenities - bathroom, lunch room, waiting areas, showers
    Public bathrooms
    Waiting/ meeting areas

Masterplanning notes From Tutorial

Analysis of Current Site Conditions:

  • Master plan - pick one aspect to develop
  • Multiple transport routes currently run - transit centre gives good opportunity for development
  • lots of free, open, unused space
  • Currently just a carpark
  • Lack of connection - three lanes of traffic.
  • Meeting of the axis - needs presence on the axis - Griffin's plan - was to be the town centre to serve the people
  • Connecting major nodes - education, business, parliament and cultural
  • Transit center with residential
What type of infrastructure is already there? what is needed to be developed/designed/integrated?
  • What design philosophy and identity should this element project?
  • Structure - light weight steel; kit of parts; services - how do they interact; presence - future needs, life span - will it embrace the same as parliament house or is it a temporary structure?
  • Building element program
  • Typology
    Zoning - public and private
    Spatial Elements - security & access - how do they arrive
    Hierarchy - public to private - communal to small private
    Specific room type
    What Spaces can fit /are needed
  • Presence and Identity
  • Relate strongly to infrastructure systems
  • Typologies separated into a master plan or grouped into the one building
  • Should the master plan be done as a group where each person designs one element

Forming a Breif

  • Who is the user group
  • What facilites do they need
  • What services do they need
  • How are they accessing the site
  • How to make this flexible?
Masterplanning, key points:
  • Significant location - proximity to CBD and Parliament
  • Connecting major nodes - education, business, parliament and cultural
  • Transit center with residential
  • Master plan - pick one aspect to develop (could be the transit center, could be the residential or the retail area